PCB technologies for foil based conformable electronics
A method to fabricate stretchable and thermo-formable electronics substrates will be presented. The basis of such build-ups are thermoplastic polyurethane foils with a typcial thickness of 100 µm. The foils are soft and can be stretched up to 500 % without disrupture. Using prinited circuit board technologies copper tracks with thickness of 18 or 35 µm are defined on top of the polyurethane foils. The interconnect tracks are designed with meander shape in order to be stretchable. Substrates are further equipped with a solder mask and finally the interconnets fully embedded into the polyurethane matrix. Electrical components can be mounted using conventional component assembly techniques, complemented eventually by encapsulation of individual components. The mechanics of single and multiple deformation of such circuits will be presented and discussed.
Electronic cirucits fabriacted in this way can be attached to further carriers like polycarboante panels or various textiles, which allow wide range of applications to be realized.
Online-Session / February 15, 2022, 16:00 – 16:45 CET