15th International Conference on Organic Electronics (ICOE 2019)

ICOE is an annual series of conferences dedicated to the state-of-the-art research in organic electronics and has become one of the major conferences in the field. ICOE2019 in Hasselt follows the previous editions held in Bordeaux (2018), St-Petersburg (2017), Bratislava (2016), Erlangen (2015), Modena (2014), Grenoble (2013), Tarragona (2012), Rome (2011), Paris (2010), Liverpool (2009) and Eindhoven (2005-2008).

The event will take place on June 24 − 28, 2019, at the new city campus of Hasselt University, in the renovated ‘Old City Jail’ (Oude Gevangenis). The conference will cover all areas related to organic electronics and photonics, including chemistry, physics, biology, materials science, nanoscience, device engineering and commercialisation. Specific topics are:

  • Organic biosensors for health and environment
  • Organic electronics for energy applications and lighting
  • Interfaces in organic electronics
  • Flexible and large area technologies
  • Synthesis, design and processing of materials
  • Implantable organic electronics and active interfaces to living matter
  • Organic and molecular spintronics

Conference Chairs:

Koen Vandewal, Hasselt University, Belgium
Sandrine Heutz, Imperial College, London

For more information about the program, speakers and registration please visit www.icoe2019.org.