5th Industry Partners Day "Clean Surfaces"


Regularly, news about resistant hospital germs or contaminated packaging materials of foodstuff come up in the news. However not just biological or chemical contaminations are causing trouble e.g. in the medical or food sector. Mostly also tiny particles or residues of production auxiliary materials affect the manufacturing process in the industrial production as well as the final properties of high-performance surfaces.

Moreover, optimized surfaces are the basis for many innovations in various sectors e.g. the machine building, microelectronics, packaging, optics, aircraft or automotive sector. Layers that make products and components resistant to corrosion, wear, chemicals, environment and scratching have enormous commercial importance. Indeed, the damage caused by corrosion alone amounts to billions annually.

These examples from different branches show, that clean surfaces are an essential basis for production processes as well as a broad range of products like food packaging, medical devices, pharmaceutical products, high-barrier encapsulation and OLEDs

The Fraunhofer FEP is one of the leading institutions for collaborative R&D in thin-film technologies and electron-beam applications. The developed technologies are being effectively and successfully employed in the cleaning of surfaces e.g. for the fight against germs in medical applications, in agriculture and production as well as packaging branch.

With focus on the topic “clean surfaces” we invite all partners and customers to participate in our 5th Industry Partners Day on September 27th 2017 in Dresden/Germany. The event will give you the opportunity to inform yourself about latest research results and trends in the field of clean surfaces related to electron beam and plasma technology and organic electronics fora wide field of applications. We will give you an insight to these topics with an interesting range of presentations. Furthermore you will have the chance to gain an exclusive insight into current research activities of Fraunhofer FEP and to have a look at our latest demonstrators and exhibits by participating in a lab-tour to our REAMODE laboratory unit, Roll-to-Roll inspection system and biomedical laboratory. Next to this and accompanying exhibition with selected booths will take place.

The Industry Partners Day offers a platform for networking and lively exchange between entrepreneurs, researchers and interested people from all branches connected to clean surfaces.

A few time slots for short spotlight presentations are still available. Please do not hesitate to contact us for contributions and if you are interested in sponsoring the event!

We are looking forward to welcoming you!

-> more information here