International Student Contest on Wirelessly Connected IoT

Secure and Trustable - 2020 edition

Think of wearables used in healthcare and smart living, think of your smart home applicances, future smart cities, connected cars, or all the machines collaborating in a modern production facility (Industry 4.0). They are all part of Internet-of-Things (IoT), which revolutionizes our everyday life, one of the most important drivers of digital transformation.
The European research project SCOTT (Secure Coneccted Trustable Things) consortium organizes a competition for students and recent graduates.
If your bachelor or master thesis, PhD dissertation or student project of any kind addresses issues like security, safety, trust, and dependability applicable to wired and wireless communication or can be used in interesting IoT applications, send us its description, applicability fields, together with your CV.
We are interested in accomplished projects targeting industrial domains like automotive, aeronautics, buildings, health, robotics, smart manufacturing, etc. that can be a part of the future secure and wirelessly connected world.
The contest finalist will have an opportunity to present their projects before representatives of the leading European companies and universities on 01.10.2020.
Submission deadline: 24 July 2020 (23:59 CEST)

International Student Contest – leaflet