Innowwide call for market feasibility projects

What is a market feasibility project?

A market feasibility project includes preliminary technical, market, legal and/or socioeconomic assessments intended to validate the feasibility of your international and innovative business solution (product-, process- or service-market combination) within new and emerging global value chains.

Your market feasibility project must:

  • Have a target country (a pilot market) where you intend to develop and validate your innovative business solution in collaboration with local counterparts. You should consider, where appropriate, frugal innovation.
  • Be led by an innovative SME from a European Union Member State or Iceland, Israel, Norway, Türkiye or United Kingdom.
  • Have one local partner (e.g., a supplier, customer, end user, research provider or complementary technology developer) in the selected target country, as main subcontractor for the market feasibility project. The expected outcome must have a high impact in the target country (pilot market).
  • Feature product- (or process-, or service-) market development.
  • Include a variety of activities to identify and assess key local technical and market framework conditions in the target country that may favour or impede the effective deployment of your innovation.

Funding information

The third Innowwide call has 4.2 million euro budget to fund 70 projects (60,000 euro per market feasibility project).

This call for projects is bottom-up; you decide the focus of your project.

Innowwide is mono beneficiary. The programme supports the organisation in the EU member state, Iceland, Israel, Norway, Türkiye or United Kingdom, but entities in target countries that SMEs choose to collaborate with can benefit indirectly as subcontractors.

The subcontractors are not party to the grant agreement i.e., they do not have a contractual relationship with the Funding Authority.

The Innowwide financial support rate is up to 70% of minimum eligible costs (personnel, subcontracting, purchasing costs – travel and subsistence, equipment depreciation, other goods, works and services; and indirect costs (automatically calculated on the basis of a 25% flat-rate of the total direct eligible costs, excluding subcontracting)) of 86,000 euro.

Each successful market feasibility project will receive a fixed grant of 60,000 euro. The funding to each SME market feasibility project coordinator will be processed as follows:

  1. A pre-financing of 70% (42,000 euro) provided at the beginning of project implementation;
  2. The remaining 30% (18,000 euro) transferred at the end of the market feasibility project after its obligatory 6 months duration, upon delivery and acceptance of a complete Final Report by the Eureka Innowwide team. If the report is not acceptable, the market feasibility project beneficiaries could be requested to present additional information within one month. Should the information provided still be insufficient, the grant could be reduced or the market feasibility project could be declared as withdrawn and the beneficiaries required to repay the pre-financing.

Eligibility criteria

To apply, you must fulfil nine eligibility criteria:

  • The application is complete. It includes the application form itself, the annex (workplan) in the template provided and all declarations, including your main subcontractor’s commitment.
  • The applicant SME is a legally constituted SME according to EU recommendation 2003/361, in an eligible country participating in Innowwide (EU members states, Iceland, Israel, Norway, Türkiye or United Kingdom).
  • The project includes an independent subcontractor (local counterpart) in the target country.
  • The project has an exclusive focus on civil applications
  • None of the participating organisations have convictions for fraudulent behaviour, other financial irregularities or unethical and illegal business practices; is bankrupt or in the process of being declared bankrupt; or is ‘undertaking in difficulty’ according to the EU definition (Article 2, no. 18 of COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 651/2014 of June 2014).
  • The project duration is six months
  • The minimum total eligible project costs is 86,000 euro
  • The subcontracting cost are above zero euro
  • The project includes a combination of eligible activities

Please read all our guidelines before submitting a project application. If you do not meet all our eligibility criteria, your application will be rejected.