Cluster strategy of Organic Electronics Saxony (OES)

Short description

On 160 pages, this strategy document offers a basic analysis and stocktaking of the OES network and its members as well as the technologies and competencies available in the network (as of 2018). SWOT analyses and a detailed list of the challenges and hurdles in the various technology and application areas are used to identify future activity areas.

The document also contains the network strategy for the next 5-10 years with a formulation of the network vision and mission as well as five strategic goals.

Full description

In 2016, OES began to develop an overall strategy for the cluster. The present version of the strategy document was developed in several strategy discussions between the Executive Board, OES management and strategy consultants, a 2-day strategy workshop with 16 OES members, and a wide range of input from the members over several iteration rounds. The document offers both the cluster management and all members a guideline for the strategic orientation of the next five to ten years.
During the development of the strategy, the following objectives were derived from the network’s vision and mission:

  1. OES creates the technological basis for the fully flexible device.
  2. OES helps organic, flexible and printed electronics to break into the market.
  3. OES offers its members competitive advantages (market access, innovation advantage, cost advantages).
  4. OES develops the technology location Saxony into a specialized center of value creation in national and global competition.
  5. OES develops into a communicative and lively network with an „Open Innovation“ approach, in which members from business, science and politics form a lively innovation core.

The document also provides a multifaceted overview of the following thematic areas of the cluster:

  • the OES Network
  • organic, flexible and printed electronics as technology
  • components and current and future products
  • current and future target markets

Each of these areas is described in detail in the strategy document on the following points:

  • What has been achieved, what is the current state of development?
  • Where are the challenges and hurdles?
  • Gartner Hype Cycle, Moore’s Gap and SWOT Analysis
  • Recommendations for future activities


1 Foreword
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Overcoming the limits of ”classical electronics
1.3 Market potential
1.4 Conclusion
2 Vision and Mission
2.1 Vision
2.2 Mission
2.2.1 Developing and exploiting technology potential
2.2.2 Enabling market breakthrough
2.2.3 Creating stakeholder benefits
2.2.4 Promoting regional development
2.2.5 Accelerate cluster development
3 OES Strategy and objectives
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Formulation of objectives
3.2.1 Increasing the innovation rate
3.2.2 Developing competitive products
3.2.3 Increase cluster partners‘ market shares in target markets
3.2.4 Gaining further partners in the value chain and in the cluster
3.2.5 Increasing the added value of the cluster for its members
3.3 Conclusion
4 Detailed analysis of the cluster
4.1 Introduction to the strategy description
4.1.1 Componental allocation of the strategy
4.1.2 Explanation of the SWOT analyses
4.1.3 Explanation of the Gartner Hype Cycle
4.1.4 Explanation of the Activity Areas
4.2 The cluster Organic Electronics Saxony (OES)
4.2.1 What we achieved
4.2.2 Challenges and hurdles
4.2.3 SWOT Analysis
4.2.4 Activity Areas
4.3 Technology
4.3.1 Organic Electronics
4.3.2 Materials and synthesis
4.3.3 Vacuum Processed Electronics
4.3.4 Printed Electronics
4.3.5 Stretchable Electronics & 3D Electronics
4.3.6 Barriers / Encapsulation / Lamination
4.3.7 Thin Film Processes & Structuring
4.4 Components and Devices
4.4.1 Organic solar cells (OPV)
4.4.2 Organic Transistors (OTFT)
4.4.3 OTFT Backplanes / Flexible Electrophoretic Displays (EPD)
4.4.4 Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLEDs)
4.4.5 OLED Lighting
4.4.6 OLED Display
4.4.7 OLED Microdisplay
4.4.8 Flexible / Organic Sensors
4.4.9 Flexible Batteries
4.5 Target markets
4.5.1 Medical Technology (flexMED)
4.5.2 Automotive
4.5.3 Other target markets
5 Cluster Financing Aspects


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