International Workshop on Flexible Electronics and Sensors
The workshop offers short presentations in two tracks with the following topics (subject to change):
- Sensors in Automotive
- Sensing technologies with silicon and beyond
- Sensors in Aviation
- Flexible and Organic Sensors
- Printed Electronics
- Organic Electronics
- Materials for Flexible Electronics
- Roll-to-roll Production Technologies
The workshop is conducted in the framework of the SenSa project (Sensorik Sachsen, funded by the Saxon Government) joining major Saxon industry and technology clusters (AMZ, LRT, BTS, biosaxony, VEMAS, Silicon Saxony, OES) in order to strengthen sensor developments in this region. International guests from the OES partner cluster in Yonezawa, Japan, will join the workshop. Presentations will be given in English.
Conference Fee:
Normal fee incl. lunch & coffee: 220 €
Reduced fee for members of SenSa Clusters (OES, AMZ, Silicon Saxony, LRT, BTS, biosaxony, VEMAS): 120 €
Speakers: 50 € (no registration necessary)
Early bird discount of 15% until July 22nd. After September 1st and for on-site registration, we charge an extra fee of 50 €.
Further information about registration and programm will follow.