Web seminar SmartEEs2 on 8th March 2021

We invite you to also participate in the European project SmartEEs2:

  • Do you have competences, services or production capacities in flexible and portable electronics? Then place them on the marketplace and receive up to 60T€ for making your expertise available in cooperation with new customers.
  • Do you have an innovative idea with integrated flexible and portable electronics? Then apply for an application experiment and receive up to 100T€ financial support.

In preparation for the fourth cut-off on 7th May 2021, we offer a free web seminar in which the SmartEEs2 project, the funding conditions and the application modalities are presented in more detail.

Web seminar on 8th March 2021 – 9:30 am
Link to registration

Upon registration you will receive the link to attend the web seminar.

Further information on SmartEEs2.