Discussion – Finding the Missing Link: Connect Your Material Analysis Equipment
How much time do you spent searching for your area of interest on your specimens? Can you easily find that area again the next day? Have you ever lost important information about your specimen because someone just jotted it down (and the note has been misplaced afterwards)? Are you looking for a smarter way to transfer information about your samples and how you prepared them from one analysis tool to another?
If you can relate to any of those questions, than we would be pleased to hear about your experiences and opinion in our discussion forum.
Our colleague Karl has recently handed in his diploma thesis on a possible solution to make the transfer of specimens between different analysis equipment easier. We would like to discuss about his findings and possible solutions with those who are dealing with those problems on a daily basis.
The following topics will be discussed at this occasion:
- What are the reasons behind Karl’s search for the missing link?
- How is the market dealing with the problem?
- What would be the key benefits of possible solution?
- What else would be needed?
Web seminar on Tuesday, Jan 25, 2022 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM CET