DevelopmentAid – Business Intelligence for Development
Free Webinar for OES Members
DevelopmentAid is a business intelligence tool, designed to support legal entities in identifying:
- business opportunities (tenders) and grants (calls for proposal);
- strategic technical or local partners;
- qualified consultants for international bids
Webinar contents
We would like to introduce to you in more detail the set of Business Intelligence & Recruitment Tools which can be used as industry-specific optimization solutions for your organization:
- Largest and the most varied network of funding agencies and contracting authorities (IFIs, multilateral/bilateral donors, government bodies etc.)
- Full Project Cycle Management Timeline with trackable changes of development projects at different statuses: Programming→ Implementation→ Completion
- An interlinked Funding Database of Tenders & Grants with access to documents, contact person, source of information
- Partners/Competitors evaluation based on Shortlist/Awards record
- Recruitment Tools and Services for contracting international and local experts from a pool of 80 000+ profiles
- Due Diligence Analysis based on blacklisted individuals and companies
- Integrated Project Management Tools on the platform for managing operational data for development