Cosmopolitan Saxony

As a network, we actively promote openness to the world. We support companies in various areas and warmly welcome international specialists. We have briefly summarized some of our activities in the 75-second video „Cosmopolitan Saxony“.

Cosmopolitan employers – leveraging international employee potential & motivating cosmopolitan employers

The „Cosmopolitan Employers“ project is supported by the Fachkräfteallianz Dresden. This measure is co-financed with tax funds on the basis of the budget approved by the Saxon state parliament. It is a joint project of Silicon Saxony e.V., Wirtschaft für ein weltoffenes Sachsen e.V. and Organic Electronics Saxony.

Many thanks to Fatema Darbar and the Interlocal Social Hub in Dresden. Many thanks to the participants of the workshop „International Talents Share Their Stories“ on June 19, 2024.