Online-Session »Reliability Testing of Electronic Systems – Requirements and Challenges«
Within the expert session series „Advanced Packaging: Simulation, Technology and Reliability“, the Fraunhofer IZM will be presented and specific technological topics will be highlighted. In particular, it will be shown which latest research results and approaches you can use for your own applications/developments or as a basis for joint projects. This lecture series is aimed at customers, partners and interested parties from industry, politics and science.
The next online session „Reliability Testing of Electronic Systems – Requirements and Challenges“ is on Tuesday, 4th May 2021 – 4:00 pm – 4:45 pm CET. Within 45 minutes the Fraunhofer IZM would like to show you one presentation and afterwards the IZM experts will be available in a deep dive for questions and comments. Participation is free of charge, registration is required.
This session will focus on the different aspects of reliability testing. The seminar will give an overview of some basic aspects in combination with examples from different application areas. Electronics systems are based on multiple components and materials having different physical, thermo-mechanical or other various properties. Therefore, multiple mechanisms or intrinsic loads can interact with each other which have to be predicted by the reliability tests. Reliability is a matter of research enclosing all stages of a product life cycle. From a product development point of view, ideally the product lifetime matches the desired time frame. Reliability tests have to prove in advance that this will be the case.
Tuesday, 4th May 2021 – 4:00 pm – 4:45 pm CET